We challenge convention to help our clients transform

Since our establishment in 1995, we have achieved an enviable track record of award-winning, high-impact projects and partnerships for our clients. Here is a selection of some of our successes:

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Paving the way for a new operation to improve urban transport

Egypt resides over multiple entities responsible for the enhancement of mobility in Greater Cairo, but the city still faces setbacks and continuous challenges. In an attempt at resolving issues such as institutional fragmentation, insufficient financial resource, poor public transport, aggravated traffic congestion and high accident rates, the World Bank Group in collaboration with the most influential players within the transport sector, mandated IDOM and CID Consulting to develop the Greater Cairo Transport Regulatory Authority (GCTRA).

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Improving learning outcomes for girls

USAID had a bold ambition to increase girls’ access to primary and preparatory education, and improve literacy and learning rates in Egyptian public schools. In order to do so, CID Consulting worked as part of a consortium led by RTI to implement the Girls Improved Learning Outcomes (GILO) project.

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Launching a lending facility with consumer-driven communications

The National Bank of Egypt (NBE) wanted to expand its capacities in lending to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME), to sustainably and effectively provide multi-purpose loans to MSMEs across the country.

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Creating an international trade and economic hub for social and economic growth

As part of a consortium led by Dar El Handasah on behalf of the Suez Canal Authority, we were tasked with formulating a comprehensive masterplan of The Suez Canal Economic Zone as an international trade and economic hub. CID led two core components of the masterplan - the social and environmental impact assessment and development plan, as well as the development of a marketing and communication plan to support investment promotion of the zone.

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Unlocking ambition and vision to secure investment

SICO Electronics was looking into public listing or anchor investment and needed to demonstrate leadership vision and ambitions for growth, ultimately increasing investor interest.

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Strategizing technology-backed alternative investment solutions

Gold has always signified affluence and status, but there's more to the precious metal than just that, especially for Egyptians. Regardless of class or status, Egyptians have always looked to gold as a source of financial security due to its high value. For centuries, Egyptians have traded and invested in physical gold to safeguard their wealth in the long-term and to monetize their assets. However, with the start of a new era, the digital era, the gold and precious metals market has been witnessing a shift globally through the introduction of innovative types of gold and precious metals trading and investments. On a mission to disrupt the local market, Evolve Holding aimed to champion gold trade and alternative investment in Egypt by establishing a full-fledged precious metals ecosystem supported by technology. The challenge facing Evolve Holding was that of introducing a digital concept to an otherwise traditional gold and precious metals market. Their mission is to support and empower the community to grow their wealth and diversify their assets through enabling innovative gold-backed investment solutions that are digitally powered. Evolve Holding sought CID’s support in establishing trust and credibility among public sector stakeholders, private sector stakeholders, and international institutions, as well as, developing the brand identity of the company and its subsidiaries as market disruptors, cutting through the status quo with a brand reveal that tells their story. ​

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Strategizing for Scale

Al Ismaelia for Real Estate Investment came to us looking for a fresh perspective. They needed to refine their purpose and to create a strategic formula that would rejuvenate their corporate appeal and transform their business model.

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Expanding strategy to maximize market potential

Alfa Electronics was expanding rapidly across the electronic product design and technology sectors but with very few standard processes in place. They came to us with a pressing need for a new strategy to efficiently meet new demand and effectively control quality.

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Influencing innovation for environmental impact

As part of its plan to ensure sustainable energy supply through investment in the renewable sector, the government of Egypt launched a large scale feed-in tariff program in the governorate of Aswan. The New and Renewable Energy Agency (NREA) leased out a large plot of land near the neighbouring village of Benban with plans to erect one of the largest solar farms in the world – essentially comprised of over 30 individual solar farms. Due to the size and complexity of the undertaking, key project stakeholders – namely the relevant governmental entities, the financial institutions providing loans, and the private sector renewable energy developers – opted to manage this as one large complex.

As such, developers in the Benban Solar Park formed a representative body known as the Benban Developers Association (BDA) and opted to jointly tender out the facility management of the complex as well as the design of a corporate social investment strategy. Both of these scopes were critical, as the BDA were tasked with streamlining the launch of the megaproject, ensuring effective communication with key stakeholders, complying with lender-mandated regulations, and driving the engagement of the local community.

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Enabling employee excellence

We were tasked with developing BETA’s human resource strategy and operational processes, including updating their performance management system.

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The power of social business to empower the visually impaired and spread awareness

After witnessing the transformative power of the Dialogue in the Dark exhibition firsthand, the CID Consulting team had a brazen idea – to bring the concept to Egypt, marking the first foray for the social franchise in the Middle East. CID approached Dialogue Social Enterprise (DSE) – the minds behind DID – to discuss opening a franchise in Egypt in order to promote advocacy for those with visual impairments, while empowering them through career opportunities. In order to do so, CID needed to work with partners to establish, fund, and sustain the entity.

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Building growth through bold business and brand strategy

With an ambition to become one of the largest players in the logistics and transport sector, IACC, an international Maritime and Freight Transport Company, needed a better picture of the market’s perception of their brand and brand equity. They required a brand strategy which would hold up to international standards.

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Boosting employment and spurring socio-economic growth

As part of the EU-Ministry of Trade and Industry co-funded programme “TVET II- Support to the Technical and Vocational Educational and Training reform programme”, CID partnered with GFA Consulting were tasked with enhancing the relevance and quality of the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system through curriculum development, capacity building and quality assurance.

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Streamlining Governance To Drive Vocational Education And Training

To develop the country’s young talent pool and increase competitiveness on a global stage, we were employed for a two-part project by the Ministry of Trade and Industry to develop a national human resources development strategy for the Egyptian tourism sector and a final TVET law, whilst assessing and expanding a multi-level TVET governance structure.

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Driving Growth With An Operational Overhaul

A large real estate development company’s inefficient system of operation was resulting in significant losses. We were tasked with helping them embark on a new phase of growth, to achieve a level of excellence which could be replicated across the group.

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Identifying Innovation For Industry Advantage

Faced with an increasingly competitive landscape, a large real estate company was keen to clarify and solidify its industry advantage through developing a thriving and veritable culture of innovation.

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Elevating Policy To Modernise And Mobilise Trade

In order to support the Government of Egypt’s ambitious plans to increase the country’s exports, USAID designed a project focused on trade facilitation and export development. As part of a consortium led by Nathan Associates, CID Consulting was tasked with engaging the private sector as a key driver of export growth through building the capacity of SMEs to export, as well as supporting in export marketing to ensure Egyptian firms were able to successfully leverage on export opportunities and address export market needs.

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Strengthening Reputation And Brand Recognition For Local Growth

Multi-national business services provider and digital printing company Xerox was looking to reposition itself in the Egyptian market as a document management and technology solutions company, strengthening their reputation and brand amongst the business and technology community.

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Unleashing river transport performance in Egypt

The Ministry of Transport, supported by the World Bank, sought to transition the River Transport Authority (RTA) from its existing role towards becoming a more regulatory authority capable of overseeing the provision of efficient transport services.

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Paving the way for a new operation to improve urban transport

Egypt resides over multiple entities responsible for the enhancement of mobility in Greater Cairo, but the city still faces setbacks and continuous challenges. In an attempt at resolving issues such as institutional fragmentation, insufficient financial resource, poor public transport, aggravated traffic congestion and high accident rates, the World Bank Group in collaboration with the most influential players within the transport sector, mandated IDOM and CID Consulting to develop the Greater Cairo Transport Regulatory Authority (GCTRA).

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Improving learning outcomes for girls

USAID had a bold ambition to increase girls’ access to primary and preparatory education, and improve literacy and learning rates in Egyptian public schools. In order to do so, CID Consulting worked as part of a consortium led by RTI to implement the Girls Improved Learning Outcomes (GILO) project.

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Launching a lending facility with consumer-driven communications

The National Bank of Egypt (NBE) wanted to expand its capacities in lending to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME), to sustainably and effectively provide multi-purpose loans to MSMEs across the country.

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Managing change effectively during turbulent times

Having been struck by several simultaneous internal changes across leadership, regional affiliation and ownership, a leading FMCG multinational was facing an identity crisis and needed to communicate effectively to employees.

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Unlocking ambition and vision to secure investment

SICO Electronics was looking into public listing or anchor investment and needed to demonstrate leadership vision and ambitions for growth, ultimately increasing investor interest.

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Enhancing Human Resources Management Across Various Practices

GIZ launched the Strengthening Reform Initiatives in Public Administration (SRIP) with the aim of assisting the Egyptian government to support civil servants while adjusting to organizational and regulatory changes taking effect in the government units.  The project aimed to support the administrative reform initiative and government reform efforts, enhance the knowledge and skills of HR professionals, and enable the transformation of the role of HR professionals from a personnel-oriented role to a strategic role.

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Strengthening Stakeholder Communication in the TVET Ecosystem

In 2020, GIZ Egypt needed to design a full-fledged communication strategy for the third phase of the Employment Promotion Project (EPP III). Aiming to support the technical education reform in Egypt, EPP III works in direct partnership with the Ministry of Education & Technical Education (MoETE), but also interacts closely with a range of players at various levels of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) ecosystem. One of the greater challenges faced by the EPP III team was reaching a streamlined communication framework to connect the many project stakeholders, partners and beneficiaries under a clear and unified project persona and mission. The project needed to communicate in a way that not only accommodates the different operating models, priorities, and attitudes of all the parties involved, but also establishes synergies built on a clear understanding of their respective and complementary roles in the success of EPP III. As such, the Marketing & Communications team at CID Consulting was tasked with crafting the language, messaging, and tactics that cater to different constituents while communicating the overarching mission of serving the Egyptian student and jobseeker. The project needed to position itself with a clear purpose that resonates at the government level, among private sector employers, and in communities, classrooms, and employment offices.

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Enabling employee excellence

We were tasked with developing BETA’s human resource strategy and operational processes, including updating their performance management system.

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The power of social business to empower the visually impaired and spread awareness

After witnessing the transformative power of the Dialogue in the Dark exhibition firsthand, the CID Consulting team had a brazen idea – to bring the concept to Egypt, marking the first foray for the social franchise in the Middle East. CID approached Dialogue Social Enterprise (DSE) – the minds behind DID – to discuss opening a franchise in Egypt in order to promote advocacy for those with visual impairments, while empowering them through career opportunities. In order to do so, CID needed to work with partners to establish, fund, and sustain the entity.

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Revitalizing Esna’s Cultural Heritage Assets

While tourism has long been an essential sector in Egypt's economic, cultural tourism capitalizing on Egypt's rich heritage remains an untapped opportunity. The city of Esna in Luxor, with its rich and storied history, showed potential to become a center of cultural tourism. However, a lack of site management plans, effective urban management policies, and a low level of local capacity was prohibiting the city from reaching this potential.

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Boosting employment and spurring socio-economic growth

As part of the EU-Ministry of Trade and Industry co-funded programme “TVET II- Support to the Technical and Vocational Educational and Training reform programme”, CID partnered with GFA Consulting were tasked with enhancing the relevance and quality of the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system through curriculum development, capacity building and quality assurance.

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Streamlining Governance To Drive Vocational Education And Training

To develop the country’s young talent pool and increase competitiveness on a global stage, we were employed for a two-part project by the Ministry of Trade and Industry to develop a national human resources development strategy for the Egyptian tourism sector and a final TVET law, whilst assessing and expanding a multi-level TVET governance structure.

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Driving Growth With An Operational Overhaul

A large real estate development company’s inefficient system of operation was resulting in significant losses. We were tasked with helping them embark on a new phase of growth, to achieve a level of excellence which could be replicated across the group.

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Identifying Innovation For Industry Advantage

Faced with an increasingly competitive landscape, a large real estate company was keen to clarify and solidify its industry advantage through developing a thriving and veritable culture of innovation.

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Unleashing river transport performance in Egypt

The Ministry of Transport, supported by the World Bank, sought to transition the River Transport Authority (RTA) from its existing role towards becoming a more regulatory authority capable of overseeing the provision of efficient transport services.

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Crafting a communication strategy for fuel reform and Sector Modernization

In 2016 the Ministry of Petroleum needed to design and implement a communication strategy to support the implementation of Egypt’s fuel reform program. In 2018, the Ministry called upon us again to work on a strategic communications framework for the launch and implementation of a new modernisation program, which included a major and comprehensive overhaul of the oil and gas sector at large. This sought to transform the oil and gas sector from a service driven sector, to a profitable value-add sector, positioning Egypt as a leading Energy Hub within five years.

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Supporting behavioural change towards solid waste management within rural communities

Looking to invest in a program to benefit its communities, Al Ahram Beverages Company (ABC) set out to do a community needs assessment in the Kafr El Azazy village in Sharqeya, where its factory is located, with the goal of using the findings to design a relevant and practical social investment program.

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Effective stakeholders engagement as a lever for corporate positioning

The Egyptian Refinery Company (ERC) was building one of the largest project finance deals in Africa and a state-of-the-art billion-dollar oil refinery in the Greater Cairo Area, and needed to communicate effectively with local stakeholders and the neighbouring community of the Mostorod district in Qalioubiya.

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Launching a lending facility with consumer-driven communications

The National Bank of Egypt (NBE) wanted to expand its capacities in lending to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME), to sustainably and effectively provide multi-purpose loans to MSMEs across the country.

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Managing change effectively during turbulent times

Having been struck by several simultaneous internal changes across leadership, regional affiliation and ownership, a leading FMCG multinational was facing an identity crisis and needed to communicate effectively to employees.

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Creating an international trade and economic hub for social and economic growth

As part of a consortium led by Dar El Handasah on behalf of the Suez Canal Authority, we were tasked with formulating a comprehensive masterplan of The Suez Canal Economic Zone as an international trade and economic hub. CID led two core components of the masterplan - the social and environmental impact assessment and development plan, as well as the development of a marketing and communication plan to support investment promotion of the zone.

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Unlocking ambition and vision to secure investment

SICO Electronics was looking into public listing or anchor investment and needed to demonstrate leadership vision and ambitions for growth, ultimately increasing investor interest.

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Enhancing Human Resources Management Across Various Practices

GIZ launched the Strengthening Reform Initiatives in Public Administration (SRIP) with the aim of assisting the Egyptian government to support civil servants while adjusting to organizational and regulatory changes taking effect in the government units.  The project aimed to support the administrative reform initiative and government reform efforts, enhance the knowledge and skills of HR professionals, and enable the transformation of the role of HR professionals from a personnel-oriented role to a strategic role.

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Strengthening Stakeholder Communication in the TVET Ecosystem

In 2020, GIZ Egypt needed to design a full-fledged communication strategy for the third phase of the Employment Promotion Project (EPP III). Aiming to support the technical education reform in Egypt, EPP III works in direct partnership with the Ministry of Education & Technical Education (MoETE), but also interacts closely with a range of players at various levels of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) ecosystem. One of the greater challenges faced by the EPP III team was reaching a streamlined communication framework to connect the many project stakeholders, partners and beneficiaries under a clear and unified project persona and mission. The project needed to communicate in a way that not only accommodates the different operating models, priorities, and attitudes of all the parties involved, but also establishes synergies built on a clear understanding of their respective and complementary roles in the success of EPP III. As such, the Marketing & Communications team at CID Consulting was tasked with crafting the language, messaging, and tactics that cater to different constituents while communicating the overarching mission of serving the Egyptian student and jobseeker. The project needed to position itself with a clear purpose that resonates at the government level, among private sector employers, and in communities, classrooms, and employment offices.

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DORNA: A Socially Inclusive System to Reduce Plastic Waste

As part of its global commitment to safeguard the environment, Nestlé Egypt devised a Plastic Roadmap comprised of three pillars:

• Develop packaging for the future

• Help shape a waste-free future

• Drive new behavior and understanding

In an initiative to help shape a waste-free future and in compliance with EU directives for Extended Producer Responsibility (an environmental policy in which the cost of pollution is extended to the producers), Nestlé Egypt committed to recover and recycle as much as plastic as it produces to achieve plastic waste neutrality - aiming to recycle 14,000 tons of PET plastic by 2021 and 28,000 tons by 2024. Half of Cairo's municipal waste is collected by the informal community and nearly 80% of that waste is recovered and recycled. With this in mind, Nestlé Egypt sought out to design a scalable and sustainable industry-wide solution that engages with the informal sector's waste value chain to increase the recycling and recovery rates of PET plastic whilst simultaneously improving their livelihood in more than one front.

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Strategizing for Scale

Al Ismaelia for Real Estate Investment came to us looking for a fresh perspective. They needed to refine their purpose and to create a strategic formula that would rejuvenate their corporate appeal and transform their business model.

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Influencing innovation for environmental impact

As part of its plan to ensure sustainable energy supply through investment in the renewable sector, the government of Egypt launched a large scale feed-in tariff program in the governorate of Aswan. The New and Renewable Energy Agency (NREA) leased out a large plot of land near the neighbouring village of Benban with plans to erect one of the largest solar farms in the world – essentially comprised of over 30 individual solar farms. Due to the size and complexity of the undertaking, key project stakeholders – namely the relevant governmental entities, the financial institutions providing loans, and the private sector renewable energy developers – opted to manage this as one large complex.

As such, developers in the Benban Solar Park formed a representative body known as the Benban Developers Association (BDA) and opted to jointly tender out the facility management of the complex as well as the design of a corporate social investment strategy. Both of these scopes were critical, as the BDA were tasked with streamlining the launch of the megaproject, ensuring effective communication with key stakeholders, complying with lender-mandated regulations, and driving the engagement of the local community.

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The power of social business to empower the visually impaired and spread awareness

After witnessing the transformative power of the Dialogue in the Dark exhibition firsthand, the CID Consulting team had a brazen idea – to bring the concept to Egypt, marking the first foray for the social franchise in the Middle East. CID approached Dialogue Social Enterprise (DSE) – the minds behind DID – to discuss opening a franchise in Egypt in order to promote advocacy for those with visual impairments, while empowering them through career opportunities. In order to do so, CID needed to work with partners to establish, fund, and sustain the entity.

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Building growth through bold business and brand strategy

With an ambition to become one of the largest players in the logistics and transport sector, IACC, an international Maritime and Freight Transport Company, needed a better picture of the market’s perception of their brand and brand equity. They required a brand strategy which would hold up to international standards.

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Revitalizing Esna’s Cultural Heritage Assets

While tourism has long been an essential sector in Egypt's economic, cultural tourism capitalizing on Egypt's rich heritage remains an untapped opportunity. The city of Esna in Luxor, with its rich and storied history, showed potential to become a center of cultural tourism. However, a lack of site management plans, effective urban management policies, and a low level of local capacity was prohibiting the city from reaching this potential.

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Implementing Sustainable Systems To Improve Community Livelihood And Increase Tourism

The USAID-funded project sought to engage local Red Sea residents equitably in the economic, social and cultural benefits generated by the tourism sector in their governorate, with a focus on job creation and the protection, management, and sustainable use of the community’s natural and cultural assets. As part of the consortium implementing this project, CID was responsible for designing a new approach to solid waste management that was sustainable, effective, and inclusive.

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Strengthening Reputation And Brand Recognition For Local Growth

Multi-national business services provider and digital printing company Xerox was looking to reposition itself in the Egyptian market as a document management and technology solutions company, strengthening their reputation and brand amongst the business and technology community.

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Crafting a communication strategy for fuel reform and Sector Modernization

In 2016 the Ministry of Petroleum needed to design and implement a communication strategy to support the implementation of Egypt’s fuel reform program. In 2018, the Ministry called upon us again to work on a strategic communications framework for the launch and implementation of a new modernisation program, which included a major and comprehensive overhaul of the oil and gas sector at large. This sought to transform the oil and gas sector from a service driven sector, to a profitable value-add sector, positioning Egypt as a leading Energy Hub within five years.

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Supporting behavioural change towards solid waste management within rural communities

Looking to invest in a program to benefit its communities, Al Ahram Beverages Company (ABC) set out to do a community needs assessment in the Kafr El Azazy village in Sharqeya, where its factory is located, with the goal of using the findings to design a relevant and practical social investment program.

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3 Ways Social Behavioral Change helped 140,000 small-holder farmers in Upper Egypt and the Delta

Women in rural areas in Egypt are not fully integrated into the agriculture value chain, leaving them with limited means to contribute to their household and increase their income. For them to work, they need to find an opportunity which allows them to work from home. At the same time, Egypt incurs annual losses equivalent to EGP 500million of its tomato production, based on 2020 estimates, which puts a strain on the food security system and the economic market

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Effective stakeholders engagement as a lever for corporate positioning

The Egyptian Refinery Company (ERC) was building one of the largest project finance deals in Africa and a state-of-the-art billion-dollar oil refinery in the Greater Cairo Area, and needed to communicate effectively with local stakeholders and the neighbouring community of the Mostorod district in Qalioubiya.

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Creating an international trade and economic hub for social and economic growth

As part of a consortium led by Dar El Handasah on behalf of the Suez Canal Authority, we were tasked with formulating a comprehensive masterplan of The Suez Canal Economic Zone as an international trade and economic hub. CID led two core components of the masterplan - the social and environmental impact assessment and development plan, as well as the development of a marketing and communication plan to support investment promotion of the zone.

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DORNA: A Socially Inclusive System to Reduce Plastic Waste

As part of its global commitment to safeguard the environment, Nestlé Egypt devised a Plastic Roadmap comprised of three pillars:

• Develop packaging for the future

• Help shape a waste-free future

• Drive new behavior and understanding

In an initiative to help shape a waste-free future and in compliance with EU directives for Extended Producer Responsibility (an environmental policy in which the cost of pollution is extended to the producers), Nestlé Egypt committed to recover and recycle as much as plastic as it produces to achieve plastic waste neutrality - aiming to recycle 14,000 tons of PET plastic by 2021 and 28,000 tons by 2024. Half of Cairo's municipal waste is collected by the informal community and nearly 80% of that waste is recovered and recycled. With this in mind, Nestlé Egypt sought out to design a scalable and sustainable industry-wide solution that engages with the informal sector's waste value chain to increase the recycling and recovery rates of PET plastic whilst simultaneously improving their livelihood in more than one front.

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Developing and Implementing a Customer Experience Transformation Strategy for the Energy Sector

In recent years, several legislative reforms have taken place targeting an increase in private sector investments in the energy sector. This was followed by presidential decree of electricity reform law No. 87 of 2015 which removed the state’s monopoly over the energy sector. The Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy (MoERE) and the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC) then needed to focus on transforming the Holding Company and its nine distribution companies into more customer-centric organizations and creating a comfortable and structured customer experience, which would allow them to effectively compete in an open market.

CID team collaborated with GIZ Egypt and the Egyptian- German Joint Committee on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection (JCEE), MoERE, and EEHC through the “Transformation Roadmap of the Customer Service Centres of the Electricity Distribution Companies” project. The project aimed to develop a customer experience strategy that positions EEHC as a customer-centred organization providing high quality services that ensures customer satisfaction.

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Influencing innovation for environmental impact

As part of its plan to ensure sustainable energy supply through investment in the renewable sector, the government of Egypt launched a large scale feed-in tariff program in the governorate of Aswan. The New and Renewable Energy Agency (NREA) leased out a large plot of land near the neighbouring village of Benban with plans to erect one of the largest solar farms in the world – essentially comprised of over 30 individual solar farms. Due to the size and complexity of the undertaking, key project stakeholders – namely the relevant governmental entities, the financial institutions providing loans, and the private sector renewable energy developers – opted to manage this as one large complex.

As such, developers in the Benban Solar Park formed a representative body known as the Benban Developers Association (BDA) and opted to jointly tender out the facility management of the complex as well as the design of a corporate social investment strategy. Both of these scopes were critical, as the BDA were tasked with streamlining the launch of the megaproject, ensuring effective communication with key stakeholders, complying with lender-mandated regulations, and driving the engagement of the local community.

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The power of social business to empower the visually impaired and spread awareness

After witnessing the transformative power of the Dialogue in the Dark exhibition firsthand, the CID Consulting team had a brazen idea – to bring the concept to Egypt, marking the first foray for the social franchise in the Middle East. CID approached Dialogue Social Enterprise (DSE) – the minds behind DID – to discuss opening a franchise in Egypt in order to promote advocacy for those with visual impairments, while empowering them through career opportunities. In order to do so, CID needed to work with partners to establish, fund, and sustain the entity.

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Revitalizing Esna’s Cultural Heritage Assets

While tourism has long been an essential sector in Egypt's economic, cultural tourism capitalizing on Egypt's rich heritage remains an untapped opportunity. The city of Esna in Luxor, with its rich and storied history, showed potential to become a center of cultural tourism. However, a lack of site management plans, effective urban management policies, and a low level of local capacity was prohibiting the city from reaching this potential.

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Designing Infrastructure With Community Collaboration

We were contracted by the Agha Khan Foundation to support the Al Darb Al Ahmar (ADAA) area in Cairo in the design of a new waste system based on waste segregation to organic and non-organic, providing more opportunities for recycling.

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Implementing Sustainable Systems To Improve Community Livelihood And Increase Tourism

The USAID-funded project sought to engage local Red Sea residents equitably in the economic, social and cultural benefits generated by the tourism sector in their governorate, with a focus on job creation and the protection, management, and sustainable use of the community’s natural and cultural assets. As part of the consortium implementing this project, CID was responsible for designing a new approach to solid waste management that was sustainable, effective, and inclusive.

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Strengthening Reputation And Brand Recognition For Local Growth

Multi-national business services provider and digital printing company Xerox was looking to reposition itself in the Egyptian market as a document management and technology solutions company, strengthening their reputation and brand amongst the business and technology community.

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Crafting a communication strategy for fuel reform and Sector Modernization

In 2016 the Ministry of Petroleum needed to design and implement a communication strategy to support the implementation of Egypt’s fuel reform program. In 2018, the Ministry called upon us again to work on a strategic communications framework for the launch and implementation of a new modernisation program, which included a major and comprehensive overhaul of the oil and gas sector at large. This sought to transform the oil and gas sector from a service driven sector, to a profitable value-add sector, positioning Egypt as a leading Energy Hub within five years.

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3 Ways Social Behavioral Change helped 140,000 small-holder farmers in Upper Egypt and the Delta

Women in rural areas in Egypt are not fully integrated into the agriculture value chain, leaving them with limited means to contribute to their household and increase their income. For them to work, they need to find an opportunity which allows them to work from home. At the same time, Egypt incurs annual losses equivalent to EGP 500million of its tomato production, based on 2020 estimates, which puts a strain on the food security system and the economic market

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Empowering Women Entrepreneurs to Digitize Ventures

Raseedy, a rapidly growing local fintech establishment, is a mobile wallet application that aims to facilitate tech-enabled financial inclusion across Egypt. Driven by a commitment to financial inclusion, Raseedy approached CID Consulting with an interest in designing a Women Empowerment Program, with the intent of training a cohort of high-potential women entrepreneurs to enhance their enterprises.

Raseedy partnered with CID Consulting to design and implement a training program to capacitate women entrepreneurs in managing and operating their entrepreneurial ventures. The objective of the Women Empowerment Program is not only to develop the entrepreneurial skills of the participants, but also to digitize their enterprises through the use of Raseedy. The unique focus on micro-entrepreneurship, digital literacy, and financial inclusion rendered this program unique to the Egyptian market.

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Creating an international trade and economic hub for social and economic growth

As part of a consortium led by Dar El Handasah on behalf of the Suez Canal Authority, we were tasked with formulating a comprehensive masterplan of The Suez Canal Economic Zone as an international trade and economic hub. CID led two core components of the masterplan - the social and environmental impact assessment and development plan, as well as the development of a marketing and communication plan to support investment promotion of the zone.

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Unlocking ambition and vision to secure investment

SICO Electronics was looking into public listing or anchor investment and needed to demonstrate leadership vision and ambitions for growth, ultimately increasing investor interest.

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Strengthening Stakeholder Communication in the TVET Ecosystem

In 2020, GIZ Egypt needed to design a full-fledged communication strategy for the third phase of the Employment Promotion Project (EPP III). Aiming to support the technical education reform in Egypt, EPP III works in direct partnership with the Ministry of Education & Technical Education (MoETE), but also interacts closely with a range of players at various levels of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) ecosystem. One of the greater challenges faced by the EPP III team was reaching a streamlined communication framework to connect the many project stakeholders, partners and beneficiaries under a clear and unified project persona and mission. The project needed to communicate in a way that not only accommodates the different operating models, priorities, and attitudes of all the parties involved, but also establishes synergies built on a clear understanding of their respective and complementary roles in the success of EPP III. As such, the Marketing & Communications team at CID Consulting was tasked with crafting the language, messaging, and tactics that cater to different constituents while communicating the overarching mission of serving the Egyptian student and jobseeker. The project needed to position itself with a clear purpose that resonates at the government level, among private sector employers, and in communities, classrooms, and employment offices.

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Developing and Implementing a Customer Experience Transformation Strategy for the Energy Sector

In recent years, several legislative reforms have taken place targeting an increase in private sector investments in the energy sector. This was followed by presidential decree of electricity reform law No. 87 of 2015 which removed the state’s monopoly over the energy sector. The Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy (MoERE) and the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC) then needed to focus on transforming the Holding Company and its nine distribution companies into more customer-centric organizations and creating a comfortable and structured customer experience, which would allow them to effectively compete in an open market.

CID team collaborated with GIZ Egypt and the Egyptian- German Joint Committee on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection (JCEE), MoERE, and EEHC through the “Transformation Roadmap of the Customer Service Centres of the Electricity Distribution Companies” project. The project aimed to develop a customer experience strategy that positions EEHC as a customer-centred organization providing high quality services that ensures customer satisfaction.

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Designing Infrastructure With Community Collaboration

We were contracted by the Agha Khan Foundation to support the Al Darb Al Ahmar (ADAA) area in Cairo in the design of a new waste system based on waste segregation to organic and non-organic, providing more opportunities for recycling.

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Implementing Sustainable Systems To Improve Community Livelihood And Increase Tourism

The USAID-funded project sought to engage local Red Sea residents equitably in the economic, social and cultural benefits generated by the tourism sector in their governorate, with a focus on job creation and the protection, management, and sustainable use of the community’s natural and cultural assets. As part of the consortium implementing this project, CID was responsible for designing a new approach to solid waste management that was sustainable, effective, and inclusive.

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Elevating Policy To Modernise And Mobilise Trade

In order to support the Government of Egypt’s ambitious plans to increase the country’s exports, USAID designed a project focused on trade facilitation and export development. As part of a consortium led by Nathan Associates, CID Consulting was tasked with engaging the private sector as a key driver of export growth through building the capacity of SMEs to export, as well as supporting in export marketing to ensure Egyptian firms were able to successfully leverage on export opportunities and address export market needs.

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Unleashing river transport performance in Egypt

The Ministry of Transport, supported by the World Bank, sought to transition the River Transport Authority (RTA) from its existing role towards becoming a more regulatory authority capable of overseeing the provision of efficient transport services.

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